Watching the Defectives

The Left's War On America

Hunting Americans

But Not These Guys
Or These Guys

And Not These Guys Either
line flipped

Joe Biden's "National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism"

The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism was released on June 15, 2021.

Black text and bold emphasis are in original document, . The bold appears to be bullet points in somebody's PowerPoint presentation that was fleshed-out to produce the document. My observations are in blue.

The the opening paragraph, next, identifies Americans as, "the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today," and provides a hint where this thing is going.

On his first full day in office, President Biden directed his national security team to lead a 100-day comprehensive review of U.S. Government efforts to address domestic terrorism, which has evolved into the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today. As a result of that review, the Biden Administration is releasing the first-ever National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism to address this challenge to America’s national security and improve the federal government’s response.

After 20 years of building the United States into the world's preeminent and deadliest weapon against terrorism, the Biden administration will upgrade its systems and spend $200 million more this year to spy on and hunt down its own citizens.

Some folks might think that's a little overkill. According to figures compiled by the Defense Department, the U.S. invasion of Grenada only cost $134.4 million

Domestic terrorism is not a new threat in the United States, yet it is a threat Americans have endured too often in recent years. The comprehensive strategy provides a nationwide framework for the U.S. Government and partners to understand and share domestic terrorism related information; prevent domestic terrorism recruitment and mobilization to violence; disrupt and deter domestic terrorism activity; and confront long term contributors to domestic terrorism. Our approach will protect both the nation and the civil liberties of its citizens.

Under Federal law, “domestic terrorism” is defined as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”

The above set of definitions describes 2020's Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots perfectly. Riots that were universally described by Democrats and the media as"mostly peaceful protests." Riots that accounted for 22 dead, many hundreds of civilians and police injured and at least $2 billion in damages. Biden's terrorist-hunters have no interest in those people.

It's the "Jan. 6 insurrectionctionist" these guys are after, like Ashlie Babbit. The only casualty that day was an unarmed woman -- a veteran. She was shot by one of Pelosi's STASI and the case was closed.

The review was rooted in an expert assessment of the domestic terrorism threat provided by the intelligence and law enforcement communities. An unclassified summary of that assessment was released in March so the public could see the key findings. It found that the two most lethal elements of today’s domestic terrorism threat are (1) racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists who advocate for the superiority of the white race and (2) anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists, such as militia violent extremists.

I don't see a lot of advocacy for the superiority of the white race on the Internet and the only active, armed militia that have been in the news are black, like the Not Fucking Around Coalition (left sidebar) and the bunch arrested up in Massachusetts.

If these guys were just honest, they'd identify their enemy as straight, white Republicans and Christians and be done with it.

To develop a government-wide strategy to counter domestic terrorists, the Biden Administration consulted extensively with a wide array of experts across the U.S. Government as well as with leaders in Congress, state and local governments, academia, civil society, religious communities, and foreign governments. Throughout the process, we embraced the protection of civil rights and civil liberties as a national security imperative. The strategy we are releasing today is carefully tailored to address violence and reduce the factors that lead to violence, threaten public safety, and infringe on the free expression of ideas. It is organized around four pillars – the core elements of how the Biden Administration will improve the U.S. Government’s response to this persistent, evolving, and lethal threat to our people, our democracy, and our national security:

You have to be careful with the words. When a bureaucrat tells you that,"throughout the process, we embraced the protection of civil rights and civil liberties as a national security imperative," you need to know if that's everybody's civil rights and civil liberties they're talking about or just the civil rights and civil liberties of the experts and the leaders in Congress?

They don't trust you. Don't trust them.


The U.S. Government will enhance domestic terrorism analysis and improve information sharing throughout law enforcement at the federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial levels, and, where appropriate, private sector partners. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have implemented a robust system to methodically track domestic terrorism cases nationwide. The Department of State as well as the intelligence and law enforcement communities are learning more from foreign partners about the international dimensions of this threat.

The FBI plans to hook up its foreign and domestic "partners" -- whoever they are -- to its system for tracking and analyzing domestic terrorists.

The Department of State will continue to assess whether additional foreign entities linked to domestic terrorism can be designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations or Specially Designated Global Terrorists under relevant statutory criteria. The Department of the Treasury, in coordination with law enforcement, is exploring ways to enhance the identification and analysis of financial activity of domestic terrorists. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is enhancing its analysis of open-source information to identify threats earlier and will create a structured mechanism for receiving and sharing within government credible non-governmental analysis.

Designating someone as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" is so much easier than demonstrating that the person or group really is a terrorist. It simplifies the process. It makes it easy to decide one day that the Boy Scouts are Specially Designated Global Terrorists. They're "designated." Case closed.


Drawing on the expertise of a variety of departments and agencies, the U.S. Government has revamped support to community partners who can help to prevent individuals from ever reaching the point of committing terrorist violence. The U.S. Government will strengthen domestic terrorism prevention resources and services. For the first time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has designated “Domestic Violent Extremism” as a National Priority Area within the Department’s Homeland Security Grant Program, which means that over $77 million will be allocated to state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to prevent, protect against, and respond to domestic violent extremism. DHS and FBI are working to strengthen local prevention, threat assessment, and threat management frameworks. The Department of Defense (DOD) is incorporating training for service members separating or retiring from the military on potential targeting of those with military training by violent extremist actors. The U.S. Government will improve public awareness of federal resources to address concerning or threatening behavior before violence occurs.

"Designating" is easy!

Homeland designated “Domestic Violent Extremism" as a national priority area" and $77 million just showed up. Designating you or your next door neighbor as a "domestic terrorist" is even easier.

The U.S. Government will augment its efforts to address online terrorist recruitment and mobilization to violence by domestic terrorists through increased information sharing with the technology sector and the creation of innovative ways to foster digital literacy and build resilience to recruitment and mobilization. The United States also recently joined the Christchurch Call to Action to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online, an international partnership between governments and technology companies that works to develop new multilateral solutions to eliminating terrorist content online while safeguarding the freedom of online expression.

The feds are clearly going to spend a ton of money going after the Internet recruiting of domestic terrorists, but not all domestic enemies are domestic terrorists. For example, you can join the Communist Party online, but commies, although they have been our enemy for a hundred years, are not considered domestic terrorists in "Our Democracy." You can join the Revolutionary Communist Party online, but the feds aren't bothering them, either.

Black Lives Matter does online recruiting. There are sites that will tell you how to find a BLM riot this week and even as secretive as Antifa is, there are hookups on the Internet.

On the other hand, Oath Keepers, a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” is at the top of the fed's sh!t list.

Pay particular attention to the Christchurch collaborative collaborating to develop new multilateral solutions to eliminating terrorist content online. This unelected to anything bunch will come up with a set of "standards" that will be adopted by the "collaborative" and that will be the end of it. Anything we see on the Internet will have to have the Chrisctchurch Collaborative seal of approval. Everything else will be identified as " mis- dis- and mal-information" (MDM) and will be censored.

The issue is, who gets to decide? These are the people who told us President Trump was a traitor and an agent of the Kremlin for six years? That was never considered "misinformation." CNN, MSNBC and Adam Schiff still believe it.


The work of Federal law enforcement as well as our state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners is critical to countering domestic terrorism. The U.S. Government will increase support to Federal, state, and local law enforcement in addressing domestic terrorism nationwide. U.S. Attorney’s Offices and FBI field offices across the country have formally made domestic terrorism a top priority and are tracking comprehensively domestic terrorism-related cases, reallocating or requesting appropriate funding and resources as needed to target the threat. That includes over $100 million in additional resources for DOJ, FBI, and DHS included in the President’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget to ensure that the Federal Government has the analysts, investigators, prosecutors, and other personnel and resources it needs to thwart domestic terrorism and do justice when the law has been broken. State, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement will have access to increased intelligence sharing and training on domestic terrorism and associated threats. DOJ is closely examining whether new legislative authorities that balance safety and the protection of civil liberties are necessary and appropriate.

Bingo-bongo! Add another $100 million-PLUS to the previous $77 million from Pillar 2 and we're starting to spend some serious money on these domestic terrorists. The "hunt" has been made a "top priority" for the DoJ and FBI and they have to spend that money this fiscal year. That's a lot of overtime.

The hunters want new law, as well.

The U.S. Government is improving employee screening to enhance methods for identifying domestic terrorists who might pose insider threats. The Office of Personnel Management will consider updates to the forms used to apply for sensitive roles in the Federal Government that could assist investigators in identifying potential domestic terrorism threats. DOD, DOJ, and DHS are similarly pursuing efforts to ensure domestic terrorists are not employed within our military or law enforcement ranks and improve screening and vetting processes. Training and resources will be developed for state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement partners as well as sensitive private sector partners to enable them to enhance their own employee screening programs and prevent individuals who pose domestic terrorism threats from being placed in positions of trust.

The Office of Personnel Management criteria for applying to sensitive roles in the Federal Government will look something like this: "Individual listed in column 2 are not suitable for government employment."

THIS is an ideal new hire in Biden's Brave New World.


Every component of the government has a role to play in rooting out racism and bigotry and advancing equity for all Americans. The U.S. Government, in close partnership with civil society, will address the long-term contributors that are responsible for much of today’s domestic terrorism. This includes reducing and protecting Americans from racial, ethnic, and religious hatred, and stemming the flow of firearms to individuals intending to commit acts of domestic terrorism. We will work to ensure that law enforcement operates without bias in countering domestic terrorism and provides for the public safety of all Americans. In a true democracy, violence cannot be an acceptable mode of seeking political or social change.

The paragraph identifies "racism" as the cause of "domestic terrorism" and provides linkage between the domestic terror hunt and Biden's plan to funnel billions of "equity dollars" to social justice groups. It also provides a basis for "red-flagging" Americans "designated" as racists, which we know to be a synonym for straight white people, Republicans and Christians.

The "intending to commit acts of domestic terrorism" stuff is straight out of that Tom Cruise movie about a thought police unit that arrests criminals before they commit their crimes. Think Waco. Whoever you hold responsible for that tragedy, they're all dead because somebody in the government thought someone was going to do something.

The, "violence cannot be an acceptable mode of seeking political or social change," comment clearly doesn't apply to Biden's protected classes. The Democrats worked the asses off of BLM and Antifa during the 2020 campaign and they're ready to do it again

The U.S. Government is committed to strengthening trust in American democracy and its ability to deliver for the American people, including through relief and opportunity provided by the American Rescue Plan, the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan. The U.S. Government will also work to find ways to counter the polarization often fueled by disinformation, misinformation, and dangerous conspiracy theories online, supporting an information environment that fosters healthy democratic discourse.

The odds that this bunch will find "misinformation" are extremely high. On February 8, 2022, Homeland issued its first "misinformation bulletin."

The following paragraph is the back door for the next time the Democrats let Black Lives Matter and Antifa loose.

In implementing this strategy, and at the direction of President Biden, we will remain focused on addressing violence and reducing the threat of violence while vigilantly safeguarding peaceful expression of a wide range of views and freedom of political association. 

I would be surprised if Joe Biden knew much about "Joe Biden's "National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism." I believe these initiatives were created by Obama's people. Most of them were ready on Inauguration Day. This is the government's piece of a bigger push by the Left.

One thing is for sure, the people behind this stuff are deadly serious about locking up Americans they believe are a threat to "Our Democracy."