The Biggest Crime
In United States History
The "Trump is Hitler" smear only shows Democrats are panicking
Make no mistake. The "Trump is Hitler" strategy isn't just meant to smear Donald Trump, it's also the hope of many Democrats that a third potential assassin will have better luck than the previous two. It's an admission that they believe they're losing.
Barack Obama made "Trump is Hitler" possible by legalizing government propaganda
For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm and its allies in the corporate media from delivering federal government programming to American audiences.
Obama fixed that -- at least from his perspective.
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 was signed into law by Barack Obama on January 2, 2013. An amendment to the Act allowed propaganda content created by the federal government to be broadcast by media organizations in the U. S. It allows the government to disseminate information and influence public opinion domestically, which was previously prohibited.
Since the amendment was made law, there has been little lack of oversight in the media that has become an extension of the Democratic Party. At the time, bloggers and other content creators from both sides of the political spectrum united in overwhelmingly condemning the House passage of the amendment.
Both sides argued the bill was an overreach of government power, warning it would enable public officials and the military to disseminate propaganda to the American public, but they disagreed over who was responsible. Leftists feared the military and Republicans were trying to expand their influence, while conservatives pointed out that it was Team Obama that wrote the amendment and lobbied for its passage. They knew Obama and knew he would employ that power for political means.
It was Nancy Pelosi that the produced the tactic that enabled the Democrats to turn Obama's amendment into a powerful and devious political tool -- the "Wrap-Up-Smear" -- Pelosi explains:
The Democrats have been using this tactic against Donald Trump from the day he came down the golden escalator in 2015, but this "Trump is Hitler" attack is probably as low as they can go, and remember, it is a "they." Kamala hasn't got the brains to conceive of and run an op like the "Wrap-Up-Smear."
Kamala Harris uses the "Wrap-Up-Smear" against Trump
The predicate for the current attack was established when the Atlantic Magazine published a hit-piece entitled, "Trump: ‘I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had," written by Jeffery Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of the Atlantic. Goldberg's essay is filled with wild stories from embittered former Trump chief-of-staff, the retired four-star Marine Corps general, John Kelly.
We must make a brief side trip here for some facts that are crucial to the hoax. The biggest of which is the owner of the Atlantic, Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Steve Job's and beneficiary of his billions. Fortune Magazine described Powell-Jobs as "one of Kamala Harris’ biggest bankrollers and closest friends." Powell-Jobs is also long-time pals with Jeffrey Epstein's procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell.
So, the pieces are placed on the board by the known conspirators -- Laurene Powell-Jobs, Jeffrey Goldberg, and General Kelly -- there surely are others, but they remain hidden.
The Atlantic began the play, but with a circulation of only one million far-Left readers, the story needed a wider audience. This was accomplished by bumping the hoax over to MSNBC that just happened to have already booked Gen. Kelly, who was primed and ready to send the hoax nationwide via the corporate media .
General Kelly is a disgrace to the Marine Corps
What does a United States Marine do with his "Semper Fidelis" when he is no longer "always faithful?"
A four-star general in the United States Marine Corps is as close to a god on earth as there is. It is easy to understand his impatience with Donald Trump, who politically was a babe-in-the-woods when he arrived at the White House.
Trump was in need of a trusted Chief of Staff who knew how to get the president's orders carried out. Instead, Trump got Gen. Kelly, who was accustomed to giving the orders and he had trouble accepting them. Kelly had little respect for the new president and made no bones about his feelings, and as a result, he was fired by Trump on January 2, 2019 -- a first for Kelly -- and it wounded and embittered him.
It is important to remember that Kelly never mentioned these smears when he was in the Trump administration He never mentioned them during the 2020 election. He never mentioned them in his book. He has never spoken of them before this week, but two weeks before the most important election in our lifetime?
Kelly has a flashback and takes his alleged story to a certified Trump hater, who works for a leftist rag owned by one of Kamala Harris' closest friends and within hours of the hoax's publication, Gen. Kelly is being interviewed by The New York Times and appears on -- where else -- MSNBC, spilling his venom in glorious detail.
Six minutes -- watch as much as you can.
Kelly is not a reliable source. The truth is, Kelly is a disgruntled employee, who was fired by Donald Trump, and who has been described as a liar by over a dozen of his White House peers.
Kelly repeatedly trash talked his president before he was fired. He was left out of key decisions throughout 2018 making him feel belittled. In December of 2018, Trump fired and replaced Kelly and he immediately began his campaign to disparage his commander-in-chief.
Kelly's lies put Trump in direct danger from another loony leftist and Kelly knows it. The man has no honor.
Kamala makes the hoax "official"
All Kamala Harris has to do now is play the game -- and she does so -- from the vice-president's residence, standing between the American and vice-presidential flags, and behind a podium displaying the vice-presidential seal, Kamala, in her official capacity as Vice President of the United States of America, executes Pelosi's "Wrap-Up-Smear."
As most of the country now knows, Donald Trump is set to hold a rally at Madison Square Garden today, just nine days before Election Day. The event is drawing comparisons to some of the venue’s most infamous events.
Since the 1800s, The Garden has been the venue for both Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Notably, in 1939, it was the site of consecutive rallies for pro-NAZI and Communist Party supporters as tensions rose before World War II. In 1962, Marilyn Monroe famously sang "Happy Birthday" to President John F. Kennedy, further contributing to the legendary status of what the New York Knicks announcer refers to as "the world’s most famous arena!"
Enter "crooked" Hillary Clinton, who labeled the Trump rally as a "reenactment" of the 1939 NAZI rally.
“One other thing that you’ll see next week, is Trump actually re-enacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939. I write about this in my book.”
Hillary’s comments were met with fury by the Trump campaign, that branded the comparison between Trump supporters and NAZIs as "disgusting." Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, told The New York Post:
“Hillary Clinton is so messed up from her raging eight-year-long case of anti-Trump Derangement Syndrome that she forgot SHE did an event at Madison Square Garden when she was a senator, and her husband Bill accepted the Democrat nomination there.
“Putting aside her hypocrisy, Hillary’s rhetoric about half of the country is disgusting.“
We have seen some lows from the Democrats in the last four years, but Hillary's comments feel like rock bottom. Her comments are the kinds of dangerous rhetoric the got Trump shot.
It appears that Democrats are incapable of addressing or promoting any policies that Americans care abut. Their only campaign strategy is to make up the boogeyman. If it's not Hitler, it's Putin.
Democrats are always accusing others of exercising Goebbels' "Big Lie," but the simple fact is, since Barack Obama entered the White House, the "Big Lie" has become a staple of Democratic Party politics.
Somebody that knows something about Hitler speaks to Kamala
Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris should apologize before all victims of the Third Reich for comparing her Republican rival Donald Trump to NAZI dictator Adolf Hitler, a Holocaust survivor has said in a video released by Trump’s campaign.
The clip, which was posted on the social media sites on Friday, featured Jerry Wartski, a 94-year-old who had been a prisoner at the infamous Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp during the Second World War. He scolded Kamala Harris for her inflammatory rhetoric:
"As a Jew, nothing is more offensive to me than hearing Kamala Harris compare her political opponent to Hitler simply because she disagrees with him. Hitler was responsible for the murder of six million Jews, whereas Trump has done everything to make Jews in America safer. The antisemitism emanating from the Harris campaign is utterly revolting."
Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, issued a joint statement saying Kamala's rhetoric “risks inviting yet another would-be assassin” to target Trump and “endangers” American lives:
“We call on the vice-president to take these threats seriously, stop escalating the threat environment, and help ensure President Trump has the necessary resources to be protected from those threats.”
The Democrats have been singing this song forever
The "Hitler" or "fascist" smear" has become an integral part of the Democrats' political playbook. It's used almost as much as calling the Republican nominee a racist. Yet, somehow, after each warning, the Third Reich has yet to materialize in the United States. This includes when Trump was president from 2017-2021. Despite six decades’ worth of Democratic warnings of impending fascist doom failing to come true, it has never prevented the left-wing party from engaging in "the smear." Consider the facts.
It began in 1964, Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ), who served as a pilot during World War II, was the Republican candidate for president. Celebrities, journalists, politicians, and others warned that the GOP presidential nominee was likened to NAZIs and fascists -- and a man who would cause a nuclear war and blow up the world.
Democrats have smeared them all: Nixon; Ford; Reagan; Bush; Romney; Ryan and Trump -- all solid Americans -- but to the Democrats, they were all fascists or racists, or Hitler.
Kamala Harris' campaign will be pulling out all of the stops in the next nine days. Buckle up! It's going to be a wild ride. Mark Halperin, who was the first to report that Joe Biden would withdraw from the race in July, revealed on Tuesday that there is a "certain story" that has been pitched to major news outlets by Kamala campaign operatives, that -- if true -- could derail Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign in its final days. It's not going to stop, only intensify.
On the other hand, many Americans are now saying that when the "Hitler smear" is bandied about and attached to politicians, maybe the name is being applied to the wrong party.
If there are any similarities between Hitler and an American politician, it would be to Kamala Harris. Hitler wasn't elected to lead his nation either. Like Kamala, Hitler was "selected, not elected."
In 1932, Hitler placed second in the presidential race to Paul von Hindenburg. Hindenburg then appointed Adolph Hitler as chancellor in January 1933. The following month the Reichstag fire occurred and it provided an excuse for a decree overriding all guarantees of freedom and on March 23 the Enabling Act was passed, giving full political and government powers to Adolph Hitler.
The details of how Kamala was placed on the presidential ballot differ, but the underlying trickery is similar and frightening.
The Democrats are keenly aware that they are seriously at risk. The Democratic Party was so intent on moving forward, they did the most undemocratic thing. They became what they accuse others of being -- an autocratic, undemocratic, political party. They have abandoned the People. They have left the People behind in their lust for power.
The Democratic Party has become the party of "America Last."
That simply won't do and there is only one answer for these closet commies, an overwhelming voter turnout for America. We must not let anti-American politicians, such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Kamala Harris ever get near the levers of government again. So, make sure to vote and take your friends with you. We must get a favorable voter return that's just "too big to rig!"
God bless America! God bless Donald Trump! Now let's kick some commie ass!

The Democrats are showing us who they are.
They are full of talk about "democracy,"
but they behave like Joe Stalin.

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