Democrats' View
Of Preemptive Pardons
Five hours before Trump was sworn in, Joe Biden absolved the guilty
Joe Biden has now made the United States the biggest banana republic of them all, by pardoning the criminals in his family and in his administration before they are even charged with a crime. The biggest question raised is, "can Biden do that," and the answer appears to be, "probably not."
Joe Biden "preemptively pardons" The Biden Crime Family
Just minutes before leaving office, Joe Biden completed his race to the bottom of government ethics by issuing "preemptive pardons" to five members of The Biden Crime Family. Included in this reprehensible act are James Biden, Sara Jones Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John Owens, and Francis Biden.
In taking this step, Biden secured a place in infamy by attempting to blunt any further investigation into the most corrupt political family in American history. Signing these pardons for his family just before the inauguration was clearly timed to blunt any media attention, although Biden hardly had need to worry. The media has long worked to deny and deflect the reality of the Biden Crime Family's corruption.
"Follow The Money" (11-05-2023), sourced from the House Committee on Oversight and Responsibility's fourth "Bank Records Memorandum," follows the laundering of payments from companies controlled by members of the Chinese Communist Party and Red China's intelligence system directly to Joe Biden. The details are at the link, but this flow chart illustrates the process.
The Biden Crime Family engaged in influence peddling all during Joe Biden's vice presidency. His family members, particularly his son Hunter, leveraged the Biden name for financial gain from foreign entities in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, China, and Romania. Using bank records and business dealings as evidence, it is estimated that the family received between thirty and forty millions in payments from these foreign sources.
Ever the boldfaced liar, Joe Biden claimed he knew nothing about anything.
The Big Guy maintains that position to this day.
Joe Biden "preemptively pardons" administration wrongdoers
With only hours left in his administration, Joe Biden preemptively pardoned Herr Dr. Anthony Fauci, the COVID Czar, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, and the corrupt members of the January 6th Select Committee.
In a statement released Monday morning at 7 AM -- just five hours before President-Elect Donald Trump took the oath of office -- the White House issued a statement from Biden touting these traitors to the republic as “dedicated, selfless public servants.”
"That is why I am exercising my authority under the Constitution to pardon General Mark A. Milley, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the Members of Congress and staff who served on the Select Committee, and the U.S. Capitol and D.C. Metropolitan police officers who testified before the Select Committee. The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense."
The Associated Press report of these pardons reads like a page from the Left’s propaganda machine. Reporters Colleen Long and Zeke Miller write:
“The decision by Biden comes after Donald Trump warned of an enemies list filled with those who have crossed him politically or sought to hold him accountable for his attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss and his role in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump has selected Cabinet nominees who backed his election lies and who have pledged to punish those involved in efforts to investigate him.”
Interestingly enough, Long and Miller also acknowledge that what Biden has done with his pardons falls far outside convention.
“It’s customary for a president to grant clemency at the end of his term, but those acts of mercy are usually offered to everyday Americans who have been convicted of crimes, but Biden has used the power in the broadest and most untested way possible: to pardon those who have not even been investigated yet.”
Here are some of the lowlights of the crimes committed by these “dedicated, selfless public servants.” It would take a book to detail all the offenses of these evil bastards:
Herr Dr. Fauci
Herr Dr. Fauci funded the illegal gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in partnership with the Chinese communist's People's Liberation Army. When these facts were released, Fauci lied about them under oath. It was a leak from the Wuhan laboratory conducting this deadly biological research that created the world-wide pandemic that lead to the deaths of millions.
Herr Dr. Fauci made false statements under oath, particularly related to his knowledge of gain-of-function research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Fauci mismanaged many aspects of the U. S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to significant economic, educational, and social disruptions. This includes accusations of promoting unscientific policies like arbitrary social distancing and masking. Fauci was also involved in a cover-up regarding the origins of the virus, particularly the lab leak theory. This includes accusations of influencing scientific publications to downplay the possibility of a lab leak.
No formal criminal charges have ever been brought against Herr Dr. Fauci, who has left government service and was living the life of a millionaire, complete with a tax-payer-funded Secret Service bodyguard detail to keep him warm and safe (Trump canceled it Thursday).
Four-Star General Mark Milley
General Mark Milley colluded with the Red Chinese, violated the chain-of-command, and ignored the civilian control of the military. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Milley, was ready and willing to give America's TOP SECRET military secrets to China, according to the book "Peril" by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. Here are some of the key points:
Gen. Milley made calls to his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng of the People's Liberation Army in China, both in late 2020 and early 2021. In these calls, he assured Li that the U.S. would not attack China and promised to give advance warning if such an order was given by President Trump. This action was criticized for bypassing his commander-in-chief and undermining the principle of civilian control over the military.
After the Jan. 6 protest, Gen. Milley took measures to ensure that any orders for nuclear action from President Trump would require his consultation. He directed officers in the National Military Command Center to check with him first before acting on any such orders, inserting himself inappropriately into the chain of command.
Various political figures and military experts have criticized these actions as violations of the chain of command. Alexander Vindman, a retired U.S. Army Lt. Col., called for Milley's resignation over these issues, arguing that Milley usurped civilian authority and broke the chain of command. Similarly, Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Jim Banks have called for Milley to clarify his actions, suggesting they were outside his authority.
The Milley controversy has sparked debate over the limits of a military officer's role in ensuring stability and preventing potential misuse of power, versus maintaining strict adherence to the chain of command and civilian oversight. While some Democrats defended Milley's actions as necessary to prevent a potentially unstable situation, critics argue that these actions could set a dangerous precedent for military involvement in politics.
Milley ordered the entire U. S. military to take the COVID vaccine. Many thousands did against their will and many more thousands were riffed from the military for their refusal to do so. Gen. Milley makes Benedict Arnold look like a choir boy.
The United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack
The January 6th Select Committee presented a highly-prejudicial, Hollywood-produced version of the events of Jan. 6, 2021, created a false predicate for imprisoning hundreds of patriotic Americans, and then destroyed all of its records, a clear violation of 18 U.S.C. 1519 (Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy).
There exists clear evidence that members of the Committee tampered with witnesses and obstructed justice (18 U.S.C. 1512), with specific claims against Liz Cheney for tampering with the witness, Cassidy Hutchinson.
Claims of perjury have been made, particularly in relation to fantabulous tales sworn to by Hutchinson under oath. Hutchinson testified that President Trump attempted to commandeer "The Beast" -- the president's heavily-armored Cadillac -- by grasping the steering wheel from the driver's hands. The Committee hid the testimony and documented evidence presented by Secret Service agents and White House staff that disputed Hutchinson's fable.
“None of the White House employees corroborated Hutchinson’s sensational story about President Trump lunging for the steering wheel of the Beast.”
Editor's note: There is a solid glass panel separating the passenger compartment from the operator of "The Beast" making it impossible to perform such a feat.
There is a narrative that argues the committee was "illegitimate" in its formation and that its subpoenas were invalid. The defenders of the Committee claim this view is based on political disagreements rather than legal or procedural illegitimacy, but since the Committee destroyed all of its records, no one can prove or disprove the merits of this view.
An admission of guilt
Accepting a pardon in the U.S. is often interpreted as an admission of guilt. The U.S. Supreme Court, in Burdick v. United States (1915), stated that "a pardon... carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it."
This is what Grok AI says:
Can a U. S. president pardon a citizen who has not been convicted of a crime?
Answer:No, a U.S. President cannot pardon a citizen who has not been convicted of a crime. The power to grant pardons is explicitly outlined in Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which states that the President "shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." This implies that there must be an offense for which someone has been convicted or at least formally charged. The practice and legal interpretation have consistently been that pardons apply to individuals who have been convicted of federal crimes. Therefore, without a conviction, or at least a formal charge, there is no basis for a pardon.
Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. Now these perps can be called before Congress and can no longer invoke the 5th Amendment's protection against self-incrimination and they will have to either admit to their crimes or risk a perjury charge.
A preemptive pardon is absurd. It's a ridiculous and preposterous concept. An individual can't be absolved for crimes that don't exist.
Guess who didn't get a "preemptive pardon" from Joe Biden?
Director of the CIA John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe, and Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Peter Strzok, for their roles in Russiagate
Attorney General Merrick Garland, Deputy AG Lisa Monaco, FBI Director Christopher Wray,Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, and others, for their roles in hanging a "frame" around Donald Trump's neck and their "lawfare" campaign to bankrupt and imprison Trump.
Barack Obama, for installing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and genderism as core components of the federal government.
And last, but by no means least, Joe Biden for his personal corruption, but mostly for opening America's borders to terrorist, criminals, the insane, and the uneducated and unskilled of the 3rd world.
Although, last night, CNN’s Jake Tapper said:
“It’s always possible for a president to pardon somebody and not announce it. It’s possible Joe Biden pardoned himself and we just don’t know about it. Who knows? Joe Biden set a lot of precedents on his way out the door.”
And check out the late arrival in Comments.

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