Mystery Drones

Mystery Drones

Mystery Drones

Mystery Drones
"We Don't Know"

That's The Government's Story

Mystery Drones
Adm. Kirby
Mystery Drones
Gaslighting America

Mystery Drones
Mystery Drones
Your Senator

Mystery Drones
Mystery Drones
Your Congressman

Mystery Drones

"We don't know what those drones are, but they're not a threat"

Dozens of SUV-sized drones are flying over New Jersey on a nightly basis and nobody in our government will say where they’re coming from or what they’re doing. Homeland Security, the FBI, Congress, and local officials, are all baffled. Oddly, we've heard nothing from the Pentagon.

The mysterious drones

New Jersey residents and lawmakers are pushing for more information about mysterious drone sightings, including some near military installations. The drones first appeared exactly two weeks after the November election. On Tuesday, November 19th, the Morris County Prosecutor's Office confirmed in a press release that officers on patrol observed drone activity during the previous night.

Multiple sightings have also been reported in parts of New York City, suburban Rockland County, and several counties in eastern Pennsylvania. The NYPD said Thursday that multiple drones were seen flying over a neighborhood in the Bronx, but soon after officers responded to calls about the sightings, the drones disappeared.

The drones are using FAA regulation red and green navigation lights, complying with FAA anti-collision rules. The red light indicates an aircraft's port (left) side. The green indicates an aircraft's starboard (right) side, but if people get close to them, the lights go off.

There are a couple of extremely odd physical characteristics of these drones. They have no heat signature, which should be impossible, and they have the ability to vanish as soon as approached.

This is a pretty good clip of one of them, but ignore the comments identifying the drone as a "military craft." There is no publicly available information at this time that identifies what they are and who they belong to, although the usual social media geniuses have all the answers.

The drones have glaringly bright lights. Clearly, stealth sin’t the goal here. Whoever or whatever is operating them wants to make a statement -- loud and clear -- for everyone to see and notice.

The whole story is weird -- like really weird.

Senate Democrats from New York and New Jersey have requested a federal briefing on the mysterious drones. The federal government maintains that it does not know much about the drones, the Pentagon and White House have both said they have seen no evidence that the drones are from a foreign entity -- an interesting response because they also say they don't know what they are or where they're from.

President-elect Trump has said that the government must tell Americans what they are or shoot them down. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) has also called for shooting down at least one of the drones that have been loitering over New Jersey for hours each night for weeks.

Yesterday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul demanded that the Biden-Harris administration step in and do something about the drones after several of them shut down a runway blocking air traffic going in and out of Stewart International Airport in Orange County.

Hochul released a statement on the drones on Friday evening:

    "Last night, the runways at Stewart Airfield were shut down for approximately one hour due to drone activity in the airspace. This has gone too far."

But, don't worry. The drones are not a threat.

Feel better?

The government says they don't know what the drones are or where they're from

A federal official said Thursday that the FBI is the lead agency investigating along with the New Jersey state police. Local law enforcement are also investigating.

On Tuesday, an unnamed FBI official claimed the bureau does not know much about the drone activity, or who is behind it, but said the agency has not seen anything that would lead it to believe the drones pose a danger to the American public.

Adm. Kirby held a presser and assured the country that there is nothing to worry about.

Really, they're nothing, Kirby assured us, there was nothing illegal going on whatsoever. There's absolutely no danger, and no bad actors are flying the drones, and there are actually people in some of them, so please don't shoot them down, thankyewverymuch.

We are all familiar with Kirby, who was brought over from the Pentagon to the White House for the simple reason that nobody believes a word that comes out of the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, but, in this case, Kirby is doing some big-time gaslighting of America. We should be able to trust what he says, right? Well, let's just see. Kirby says:

    "The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are investigating these sightings..."

Why are civilian agencies investigating these phenomena. This clearly looks like a job for the military -- the Air Force, or even a soldier with a shoulder-fired missile, but all we get is...

    "Using very sophisticated electronic detection technologies provided by federal authorities, we have not been able to... corroborate any of the reported visual sightings."

Is Kirby serious? All the "authorities" have to do is stand in the middle of a New Jersey street and look up at the night sky. The drones are not difficult to see with the naked eye, and, they are all over the place.

    "It appears that many of the reported sightings are actually manned aircraft."

That is clearly a true statement, but it is used here to erase the fact that dozens of clearly non-conventional aircraft are in the Jersey skies on a nightly basis.

    "We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security threat or a public safety threat or a have a foreign nexus."

The government says it doesn't know what they are. The government says they don't know where they come from, but they don't "pose a national security threat or a public safety threat or a have a foreign nexus." That sure smells like Grade AAA bullsh!t.
(Remember the "not a threat" comment. We'll revisit it in a moment.)

    "There are no reported or confirmed drone sightings in any restricted airspace."

There are many published accounts of the drones flying over the U. S. Army's Picatinny Arsenal, headquarters of the Army's Combat Capabilities Development Command Armaments Center.

    "We certainly take seriously the threat... which is why law enforcement and other agencies continue to support New Jersey."

Kirby and other government spokespersons have said the drones are not a threat. He just finished saying they are not a threat in this clip, but then Kirby says, "We certainly take seriously the threat." He's talking out of both sides of his mouth.

    "We urge Congress to pass important legislation that will extend and expand existing counter drone authorities..."

Good one, admiral! Lets have a month-long debate that would result in more rights be stripped from the American People and not do a damn thing about these drones.

Gaslighting maybe, but bullsh!t, definitely.

The military says they don't know what the drones are or where they're from

Despite the growing chorus of concern from New Jersey lawmakers, the U. S. military appears relatively unimpressed with the sudden incursions.

In a December 11th statement, US Northern Command (NORTHCOM) revealed that the command had:

    “conducted a deliberate analysis of the events, in consultation with other military organizations and inter-agency partners, and at this time we have not been requested to assist with these events.”

If the new WOKE military needs an invitation to defend the homeland, we are indeed in deep doo-doo.

On Wednesday, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary, Sabrina Singh, told reporters:

    “At no point were our installations threatened when this activity was occurring."

Indeed, for several months earlier this year, unidentified drones repeatedly circled Plant 42 in California, the Edwards Air Force Base installation where defense contractor Northrop Grumman has been working on the Air Force’s vaunted new B-21 Raider stealth bombers. In December 2023, Langley Air Force Base in Virginia was targeted by a wave of mysterious drone overflights, prompting the Pentagon to relocate a contingent of F-22 Raptor fighter jets stationed there to another base.

Make it make sense!

It took the U. S. Military three to four seconds to shoot down an unauthorized drone after it crossed the barrier fence at Area 51. Yet, all these monster drones have been allowed to fly over New Jersey and other locations since November.

The military has all the authority it needs to go after these things. If they don't want a shoot-down, how about sending up a couple of F-16s so the pilots can eyeball the damn things.

According to defense officials, there is a specific subsection of Title 10 of the U. S. Code, which governs the U. S. armed forces. The section, known as 130(i), encompasses military authorities regarding the “protection of certain facilities and assets from unmanned aircraft.” It gives U. S. forces the authority to take “action” to defend against drones, including with measures to “disrupt control of the unmanned aircraft system or unmanned aircraft, without prior consent, including by disabling the unmanned aircraft system or unmanned aircraft by intercepting, interfering, or causing interference with wire, oral, electronic, or radio communications used to control the unmanned aircraft system or unmanned aircraft” and to “use reasonable force to disable, damage, or destroy the unmanned aircraft system or unmanned aircraft.”

It's extremely curious the military is so disinterested.

Special Access Programs

Are the drones part of a super-secret government program?

Special Access Programs (SAPs) in the U.S. Federal Government are security protocols that provide highly classified information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those for regular (collateral) classified information. SAPs can range from black projects to routine but especially-sensitive operations. In addition to collateral controls, a SAP may impose more stringent investigative or adjudicative requirements, specialized nondisclosure agreements, special terminology or markings, exclusion from standard contract investigations (carve-outs), and centralized billet systems. Within the Department of Defense, SAP is better known as "SAR" by the mandatory Special Access Required (SAR) markings.

Two types of SAP exist, acknowledged and unacknowledged. The existence of an acknowledged SAP may be publicly disclosed, but the details of the program remain classified. An unacknowledged SAP (or USAP) is made known only to authorized persons, including members of the appropriate committees of the United States Congress.

The drones could be such a program, but then again, there is nothing "secret" about the drones existence. The big question is what are they doing and why? The government, by refusing to provide answers, is only stoking the fires of conspiracy theories, wild speculation, and panic:

    The CEO of Saxon Remote Systems believes a dirty nuclear bomb from Ukraine may be on U. S. soil and the drones may be sniffing for radioactive activity.

    Project Blue Beam is a “conspiracy theory” suggesting that NASA, possibly with other global powers, plans to use advanced technology like holograms to stage either a fake alien invasion to unite nations against a common enemy, or a simulated Second Coming, to introduce a new age religion and control through fear or belief.

Are the feds are hiding something so massive they are forced to cover it up?

The United States military knows what these drones are, where they are coming from, what they are doing, and who controls them.

If that is not a true statement, we are indeed in serious trouble. New Jersey state senator, Jon Bramnick, makes a lot of sense.

    "There must be something going on that they can't tell us because they're so fearful of what the public is going to do when they hear what the drones are doing."

Either our entire Intel community and national defense establishment really doesn't know the answer -- and that is a terrifying thought -- or we’re being straight up lied to.

There are no other options.

When then government refuses to provide answers, people will provide their own, and that has the potential to create a national panic. The People need answers. It is the government's responsibility to provide answers -- and soon.

Mystery Drones
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