A Dangerous Question
Is Never Answered
Joe Biden declared war on Trump and MAGA on January 21, 2021
Joe Biden said it was "time to put Trump in a bullseye" and has called the former president a "threat to this nation" for years. In doing so, Biden was speaking directly to the Democratic Party's countless crazies who are now coming out of the woodwork to do Joe's bidding..
He had it coming -- it’s his own fault -- don’t blame us
That sums up how leading Democrats and their media handmaidens are reacting to the second attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Remorse and concern about him or even the perils of the rising tide of everyday violence are in short supply. Basically, as far as the media is concerned, "It's his own damned fault."
Early voting has started, but the crew over at MSNBC wasn't going to waste a day expressing anything other than hostility for the opponent they love to hate. Even the setup question drips with bias:
"Do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric -- toning down the violence -- or would that be atypical of the former president."
It's an odd psychology. It's really as though they are unaware of what they're saying. Somebody tried to kill Trump yet he is the one who needs to tone it down?
"I'd love to have a unity moment, but I think it's going to be pretty fleeting . . ."
Obviously, if this young reporter is looking for a "unity moment," she better not look at anybody in the Democratic Party.
Hillary has a strange concept of "unity"
Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC the day after the second assassination attempt on Trump. She wants no part of any "unity. She's fresh out!
This is Hillary Clinton calling for help from the Democrat media to creative a bad narrative about Trump.
"I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. He is a danger to our country and the world."
This is what abusers do. They accuse their victims of causing their own problems.
Stephen Collinson is a senior reporter for CNN Politics covering the White House provides us with a perfect example of the media's view of the second attempt on Donald Trump's life in sixty days. He begins his "analysis" thusly:
Ex-President Donald Trump responded to a second apparent assassination attempt that he blames on incendiary political rhetoric by inflaming the situation even more.
"It's Trump's own damn fault. He should keep his mouth shut."
So, what did Trump say to "inflame the situation even more?" He pointed the finger straight at Joe Biden, the guy who has been lying about Trump and threatening him for years.
Joe Biden is source of the attacks on Trump
The attacks on Trump didn't start yesterday. They go all the way back to the 2016 campaign and in the 2020 campaign, the "othering" of Trump became a staple of the Democrats.
That was four years ago, but it began there. The lying, the slander, the anger, the hostility, the deep rage and the bullying -- all of Joe's nasty character traits displayed in a few seconds. This isn't politics. This is gangsterism. It's also a message to the party. This is how we roll.
Barack Obama had managed to get Biden elected in a quiet coup using the pandemic as a tool and one of the very first things that the team of Obama and Biden did after Biden's swearing in was to make Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory core elements of the federal government.
The second thing Biden did was to order the federal government to prepare to go to war against the political Right by directing his national security team to lead a 100-day comprehensive review of the entire U.S. Government efforts to address domestic terrorism, which the charging document describes as:
"The most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today."
So, while Biden would go after Trump, his government would go after the People.
June 15, 2021: Joe Biden released his National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
August 2021: The National Archives sent 15 banker's boxes of documents to Mar-a-Lago. This was Joe Biden's Trojan Horse. Only the Archivist, a few top people at the DoJ, and the White House Counsel's office knew their contents.
January 11, 2022: The Biden Administration opening gambit was a conspiracy between the DoJ, the DoEd and the NSBA against the parents of Virginia's school children to put them on the Terrorist Watch List.
May 12, 2022: Joe Biden granted the FBI the authority to seize "15 boxes" of disputed records."
August 8, 2022: The DoJ and FBI raid Mar-a-Lago looking for classified documents secreted in the fifteen banker's boxes sent to Mar-a-Lago by the DoJ, the White House Counsel's Office and National Archives.
September 01, 2022: Joe Biden's "MAGA Speech was a thing to behold. The entire production was pure Hollywood. The speech was entitled, "The Battle For The Soul Of America". It was Biden's closing argument for the midterms and his formal declaration of war against Trump and MAGA.
Just listen to the man. Listen to his words. They were carefully chosen.
"There's no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans -- and that is a threat to this country."
With that statement, Joe Biden, the guy that just robbed the treasury of a quarter of a trillion dollars to import twelve million third-worlders compares Trump and MAGA the equivalents of Russia, Iran, Red China and the Taliban.
Spring, 2023: Trump is indicted by a New York grand jury and the first of the four Lawfare assaults begin and continue to this day. On Monday, the media headlines screamed about the indictments in big, bold print. On Tuesday they wailed about Trump being "a threat to the country." On Wednesday it was, "Trump is a rapist." Day, after day, after day.
Yet, as the Democrats run four parallel prosecutions at Donald Trump, the former president has grown only stronger. This has provoked panic in the Democratic Party, and the Left is responding with words that shake the seismic needle -- whispers of murder.
September 17, 2023: Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) agreed with his peers that called Trump "a threat to democracy," and said Trump needed to be "eliminated."
This never-ending drumbeat of negativity and lies can easily affect the unstable -- of which the Democratic Party is loaded and could lead emotionally people to the extreme actions we're seeing from Democrats.
None of this is random. It's all part of the plan. Imprisoning the Jan. 6 people. Arresting, and imprisoning former Trump advisors and supporters. Arresting Christian ministers. It's all part of the plan. it's all related. Joe Biden's plan spells it out.
Winter 2023: The Lawfare advances on all fronts. E. Jean Carroll is screaming rape but doesn't remember what year it happened. Jack Smith's name was in the news every day as he hid evidence and smeared Donald Trump. New York's AG Letitia James never missed a day in front of the TV cameras. It was a full court press to "get Trump" and Joe Biden was sending in the plays.
June 28, 2024: The day after the Trump vs Biden presidential debate, a fiery and animated Joe Biden addressed a loud and enthusiastic crowd at the State Fairgrounds in Raleigh (NC) and blasted what he said were Donald Trump’s repeated lies and policy failures.
Biden lied about Trump’s actions in and around the Jan. 6 riot. He claimed Trump threatened “bloodshed” if he is not elected. He described Trump as a grave threat to democracy, warning:.
"America itself, is at stake."
That's pretty clear language. What's a patriot to do?
July 12, 2024: On Friday, the day before the first assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Joe Biden made a campaign stop in Detroit where he repeatedly lied and slandered Trump before a crowd of hundreds.
Every word in the following speech is a misrepresentation of the facts or an out-and-out lie, but Joe's got his crowd jumping out of their seats.
At the very beginning Joe asks, "What do you intend to do?" At four seconds, you can clearly hear a man's voice ring out:
"Kill him!"
And the very next day Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to do exactly that.
If that assassin’s bullet had been a few millimeters to the right, our country would have found itself in an unprecedented crisis. The leading candidate for the office of POTUS, the former-president of the United States, the man who has been slandered by his political opposition more than any figure in our lifetime, would have been murdered on national television.
What would have come next? It is almost impossible to imagine.
September 15, 2024: A Secret Service agent opened fire on a suspect with a rifle in shrubbery not far from Trump at the Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach, Florida.
The suspected assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, fled the scene but was later apprehended by Florida law enforcement.
September 19, 2024: If you thought for a second that a second attempt on Trump's life would finally get the Democrats too cool down on the rhetoric, fuggedaboudit!
House Democrats adamantly refuse to stop calling Trump a "threat" after two assassination attempts.
"He is a threat. Period. Point Blank!"
Yes, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) really said "point blank," just to hammer-home her point.
It's not going to stop. It's never going to stop. As a matter of fact, look for the, "Trump is a threat to democracy," to intensify. They know where they stand in this election. They know their candidate has a bushelful of problems.
Democrats have outspent Trump three-to-one and Kamala is even with or behind Trump in every poll. Their only hope now is the media and the highly expected "October Surprise."
Establishment media coverage of former Trump was found to be 95% negative following the second attempt on his life, according to a Media Research Center (MRC) analysis.
ABC, CBS, and NBC News were all overwhelmingly negative in their commentary about Trump and the latest assassination attempt.
17% of Americans "felt" that America would be better off if Trump had been assassinated. Among Democrats, this figure rises to 28%, according to a Napolitan Institute poll, .
The fact is, Joe Biden has been sowing the seeds of Trump hatred for years and the Democratic Party and establishment media buy into his hate 100%. What else do they have, Kamala?
After eight years of negative press, the Left is completely brainwashed to believe every word of the "Trump is a threat" propaganda. Expect more attempts on Trump's life. it's not going to stop.
Hillary -- this week!

It is very clear.
The Democrats are in a panic.
There is nothing they won't do.

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