Special Feature
Brandon Straka
( 9:30 )
While Kammy goes commie, The Times airs out the dirty laundry
The Brandon Straka clip at the top of the left sidebar is a special feature. It is 9:30 minutes long. If you don't have the time to watch it now. Put it aside. It's worth a look.
A funny thing happened after Joe Biden was fired
Kamala (Marxist) and Walz (Marxist) were selected by Barack Obama (Marxist) to head the "Democratic Party" ticket after Obama gave the President of the United States six months to clean out his desk.
There was no election. What's "democratic" about that?
That's a coup! Joe Biden was overthrown. It's as simple as that.
It was finally over. Joe Biden couldn't hold out any longer. He signed and submitted a "stand down" letter and quit the race on July 21, 2024.
In the month since Joe Biden announced he was dropping out, his replacements, Ms Harris, 59, and running mate Tim Walz, 60 have enjoyed what Democratic Party insiders admit is a “honeymoon.”
Kamala the commie to the front
Almost immediately, the media created a “manufactured” momentum for Harris by running incredibly positive coverage about Harris, while at the same time, allowing her to evade difficult questions.
Harris enjoyed a surge of momentum against Donald Trump, pulling even or ahead of him in the polls, for a couple of weeks, even though Trump remained more trusted by voters on issues such as the economy, immigration and pretty much everything else. At the beginning of the week, Harris was leading Trump 48-47 in a widely trusted poll commissioned by The New York Times.
Her campaign strategists clearly believe that he longer she can be all things to all people -- or at least to all persuadable voters -- the better off she is. Answering hard questions runs the risk of disabusing some voters of who they think or hope she is, like this:
"I will snatch their patent so that we [the federal government] will take over. Yes, we can do that!"
That's communism -- and that's the problem. Kamala can't hide who she is. It's too deep.
At the end of last week, Harris unveiled her plan to fight inflation -- the old commie standby, price controls. One CNN headline read:
“Harris’s plan to stop price gouging could create more problems than it solves,”
Even the Washington Post wasn’t buying Harris’ plan to slap socialist price controls on groceries. It published an op-ed entitled: “The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks.”
An economist told ABC that price increases at grocery stores do not stand as a primary cause of inflation. He warned:
“You have to be careful not to cherry pick data, as most of the inflation over the past few years has been caused by increases in costs.”
And if soviet-style price controls aren't your cup of tea, Harris, a long-time proponent of reparations, proposed giving $25,000 to first-time home buyers to cover the down payment as part of her economic agenda
The Embassy
In the middle of all of this, the Department of Justice sent a couple of bankers' boxes containing documentation of Hunter Biden's crimes over to The New York Times.
This is the stuff that the DoJ has been filing away and sitting on since 2014.
The New York Times claims the documents were suddenly shaken loose from the U.S. bureaucracy the week that Biden dropped out of the race. CNN host Kasie Hunt said:
"They claim it's a coincidence."
The New York Times reveals that the son of the US president pressured the US State Department and the US ambassador in Rome over a deal involving the gas distributor Burisma for which he worked. Hunter was seeking to arrange an introduction between Burisma and the president of the Tuscany region of Italy, where the company was pursuing a geothermal project.
Hunter sought assistance from the State Department for the lucrative energy project when his father was vice president, according to The New York Times, highlighting allegations that he used his Joe Biden's political standing as leverage for his foreign business interests.
It's amazing when The Times suddenly starts discovering and publishing things we've been talking about for years. They're definitely a credit to journalism.
The Romanian
The boxes of documents had a bunch of file folders on how Hunter was paid by a criminal Romanian oligarch to to have Daddy Joe influence U.S. policy.
On September 28, 2015, Vice President Biden welcomed Romanian President Klaus Iohannis to the White House. Within five weeks of this meeting, a Romanian businessman involved with a high-profile corruption prosecution in Romania, Gabriel Popoviciu, began depositing a Biden associate’s bank account, which ultimately made their way into Biden family accounts. Popoviciu made sixteen of the seventeen payments, totaling over $3 million, to the Biden associate account while Joe Biden was Vice President. Biden family accounts ultimately received approximately $1.038 million.
After everybody ignored the story for years, The Times pulled a big stack of documents from the bankers' boxes documenting the many instances that Hunter Biden violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act that are cold hard evidence that Hunter Biden should be charged with foreign lobbying violations.
Pretending this evidence has only just emerged, The Times "revealed" Hunter Biden never registered under FARA, despite doing something for somebody worth millions, over a number of years.
For some truly amazing reason, foreign oligarchs and communist Chinese have funneled as much as $50 million into The Biden Crime Family -- and Hunter still has 10% equity in BHR Partners (Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.) and that company is still worth $2 billion.
The MarcoPolo Report on the Biden Laptop documents numerous FARA violations by the Biden family and their associates that would put any ordinary American citizen in prison for decades.
The corporate media and the DoJ have ignored the overwhelming evidence of FARA violations because it leads directly to President Biden.
The DoJ has had no interest in prosecuting any of the Biden family members for potential violations of FARA, for representing the interests of the Chinese or any of the other foreign sources of money, and it's pretty clear that they will continue on this path.
Department of Justice
The DoJ admits it has known about Hunter Biden's influence peddling the entire time. The DoJ has admitted that Hunter Biden received millions from a Romanian oligarch to influence U.S. policy during the Obama administration, a fact now being used in his tax case. Worse, they have known all along, and worked on behalf of the family to cover it up, rather than seeking justice.
The DoJ should be criticized for ignoring evidence of influence peddling and for attempting to offer Hunter a lenient plea deal to provide for blanket immunity. The media was also complicit, failing to cover this significant corruption scandal, which is now exposed by the DoJ's admission.
The DoJ will likely never be held accountable for their improper and unlawful actions.
But, whatever . . .
Hunter Biden's tax trial will kick off in Los Angeles next month as the prosecution and defense continue to iron out details.
Joe Biden remains compromised and is also more than likely being blackmailed by his pals Barack and Nancy.
This document dump is all part of the deal he made with Obama and Pelosi. He steps aside. The DoJ dumps all the files they have hidden for years -- anything that could bite Hunter down the road -- get it all out.
All of Hunter's crimes are now being revealed before Biden leaves office so Hunter can be pardoned. A pardon for Hunter removes the threat that Hunter poses to Joe and the Bidens fade off into history.
With the Democratic National Convention set to begin tomorrow, and the first presidential debate between Harris and former president Donald Trump coming up in September, the Democrats want to turn the page.
They're going to have enough on their hands trying to get a communist elected to the Oval Office.

The Democrats' convention begins tomorrow.
Will it be a socialist love-fest or a repeat of '68?
Watch and see!

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