Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
Joe Biden

Tells His Greatest Lie Ever

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
Joe Biden
Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
World's Most Prolific Liar

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
Your Senator

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
Your Congressman

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Joe Biden falsely declares the ERA Amendment is the Law of the Land

In the past 50 years, Joe Biden ran for president twice and dropped out twice for getting caught plagiarizing speeches, lying about his academic accomplishments, and telling stories about himself that never happened. On his way out the door, Biden tells what could be his greatest lie ever.

The 28th Amendment only exists in Joe Biden's addled mind

Howling utter falsehoods into the clouds on his way to the dumpster of historic infamy, Joe Biden declares that the Equal Rights Amendment is now the 28th Amendment and is the "law of the land."

As we've seen before, the louder Biden hoots and hollers, the greater the lie. This is no different and this beauty might be The Big Guy's greatest lie ever!

Not only did Biden make this absurd declaration in his final speech before returning to Delaware for the final time, the White House issued a formal statement reinforcing Biden's delusion. Biden said Trump would be a tyrant, yet Biden is now unconstitutionally declaring amendments.

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

And the intern that is charged with posting Biden's tweets on X fell right in line and posted the following:

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

If sex-based rights was important to Biden he wouldn't have attempted to change Title IX to include “gender identity.” If a federal judge had not ruled days ago that you couldn’t amend the law, it would have ended federal protections for women and girls in educational institutions.

How and why have we allowed the most powerful position in the country to be occupied by someone as clearly divorced from reality as this very ill man obviously is? I pray we can get through one more day without something truly catastrophic happening -- but this declaration is as irresponsible as Hell.

This is another desperate attempt by Biden to undermine our Constitution and disregard the rule of law. His actions are a clear overreach of executive power, and it's time for him to respect the boundaries of his office.

This is the kind of thing a man does when he wants to be in the history books as the most embarrassing president ever, and who doesn't want any historians to be uncertain about it.

Fortunately, Trump will be back in charge in a matter of hours and and integrity will be restored in the White House.

The National Archives disagrees

The New York Times reports that Joe Biden declared on Friday that he believes that the Equal Rights Amendment has met the requirements of ratification and therefore is now part of the Constitution. Biden said in a statement:

    “In keeping with my oath and duty to Constitution and country, I affirm what I believe and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex.”

Under the Constitution, however, the president has no direct role in approving amendments and his statement has no legal force by itself. The archivist of the United States, a Biden appointee, has refused to formally publish the amendment on the grounds that it has not met the requirements to become part of the Constitution.

Thomas Jipping, a senior legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said that Mr. Biden’s announcement amounted to nothing more than his personal beliefs. He noted that Mr. Biden’s Justice Department had defended the archivist in a legal opinion, arguing that no “relevant legal authority” had been identified establishing that the amendment had been adopted past the congressional deadline.

Joe Biden has now received the rare DOUBLE Community Note for the totally absurd 28th Amendment lie he posted today. He said he could declare an amendment valid by himself, even if it hadn’t been legally ratified. This is a new level of insanity, even for Biden.

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie         Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed in 1972 and died in 1979 after not being ratified within 7 yrs. The ERA expired long ago.

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

The ERA is history -- the same as Joe Biden.

Democrats join in the fraud

Kamala Harris (D-CA) jumped right on the bandwagon with this beauty. Harris is likely to run for POTUS again in 2028 and this will be filed away to remind the People that Kamala is a fraud that doesn't know what she's talking about.

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Harris was also fact checked by Community Notes for lying about a new 28th Amendment being made the law of the land.

Sen. Dick Durbin has been in Congress for forty-three years. He was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982. He represented the Springfield (IL)-based 20th congressional district. He was then elected to the U. S. Senate in 1997. Durbin was the Senate Democratic whip (the second-highest position in the Democratic leadership in the Senate) and since 2025 as the Senate minority whip. He chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee from 2021 to 2025.

After forty-three years in Congress, Durbin knows -- or should know -- that Joe Biden's proclamation is a damnable lie. Yet, there he is reading that lie into the Senate record.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) posted he tweet claiming the 28th Amendment has become the law and was immediately fact-checked. Duckworth is an utter moron who needs to be primaried. Why do freaking leftists just keep voting for these incompetent fools?

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) added her two cents, begging the question, which is worse? Putting out a statement about a non-existent 28th Amendment or believing Joe Biden? Either way, it demonstrates how little these long-serving members of Congress actually know about how the government works.

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

All the democrats are doing it. Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) have put out statements falsely claiming it is now law, but it isn't their fault. The People have learned and don't expect members of Congress to understand how the constitutional passing of a law really works. Their business is getting elected, not legislating.

Longtime Harvard law professor, Laurence Tribe, demonstrated his ignorance of the law by falsely stating that the American Bar Association has rightly adopted Res. 601 affirming that the ERA has become the 28th amendment to the U. S. Constitution. He says 38 states have now ratified it, but falsely claims that no time limits are included in its text.

This explains why so many of Tribe's students, such as Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), are so ignorant of the law.

The ERA is certainly not an amendment, but if it were it would kill what remains of DEI across America as it pertains to discrimination against men.

The critics weigh in

The bottom line is, women's rights mean nothing, when men can say they are women and invade women's spaces and sports.

Joe Biden's Greatest Lie

Georgetown University's constitutional scholar, Jonathan Turley, says Joe Biden's recognition of the ERA as the 28th Amendment is the constitutional version of announcing that "I see dead people," but more unnerving, it takes an utter disregard for the constitutional process as well as reality. The claim that the ERA was ratified is absurd. This is pandering to the most delusional segment of his party.

Even the uber-Left Atlantic dissed Biden's announcement saying:

    "That’s not how Constitutional Amendments work, and the president’s declaration that the Equal Rights Amendment is 'the law of the land' doesn’t make it so."

Joe Biden has been a tyrant all along. He has circumvented the law every chance he got, ignoring the constitution. For four long years, Biden has been derelict in his duty. He is a stain on the country that now needs to be doused with Clorox. His legacy is garbage and the country will be ridiculing him long after he is dead.

As Shakespeare wrote, the "past is prologue," and Joe Biden will leave the White House the same way he entered it. -- as a liar.

There is no 28th Amendment -- and now thankfully -- there is no Joe Biden..

Destroying America
One has to wonder about this declaration.
Somebody must have gotten in Biden's ear.
It's a huge blunder as he exits the stage.

Destroying America
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Joe Biden's Greatest Lie
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Joe Biden's Greatest Lie